Press Release

Where Did You Go, Tyler? In the Busiest Time of Election Cycle, Kistner Campaign Again Reports $0 in Mileage Reimbursements

November 2, 2022

Kistner has faced character scrutiny for inflating mileage reimbursements, hiding his personal finances and covering up his position on abortion

Reminder: Kistner still refuses to release travel logs to justify “driving the width of the United States more than 16 times” 

Burnsville, MN – In the latest installment of Tyler Kistner’s mileage reimbursement saga, the Kistner campaign’s pre-general election filing report claimed $0 in mileage reimbursements during the busiest time of the campaign cycle. 

Throughout the 2022 cycle, Kistner’s reimbursement rates have dramatically fluctuated. But since the Star Tribune detailed Tyler Kistner’s efforts to funnel thousands of dollars in campaign funds to himself through mileage reimbursements – his reimbursement rates have plummeted.

From January 2020 to December 2021, Kistner reported driving the equivalent of almost 56,000 miles – nearly a quarter of the way to the moon – and pocketing nearly $32,000 in mileage reimbursements. When pressed on his extraordinarily high mileage reimbursements, Kistner refused to release his travel logs to verify the payments he took from his campaign were legitimate.

Kistner’s last mileage reimbursement claim was on May 31, 2022.

“Tyler Kistner’s car must be in the repair shop after he drove all those miles earlier in the cycle – that’s the only plausible explanation for the sudden stop in reimbursements in June,” said Angie Craig for Congress campaign manager Wellesley Daniels. “Campaign season was just picking up, Kistner attended several parades and a podcast taping, but for some reason he didn’t need to be reimbursed for those miles or any he’s driven since. It doesn’t add up, and Minnesotans deserve transparency.”