Press Release

Rep. Craig Stands Up to Big Pharma as Group Threatens Retaliation Against Members Who Vote to Lower Drug Costs

Monday, August 8, 2022

Burnsville, MN –– The pharmaceutical industry is already threatening retaliation against Rep. Craig should she vote to pass legislation to lower drug costs and allow Medicare to negotiate prices.

Yesterday, the U.S. Senate passed the Inflation Reduction Act, historic legislation to lower prescription drug costs and strengthen Medicare’s negotiating power to bring medicine prices down for Americans. The legislation now goes to the U.S. House for a vote.

According to Politico, last week PhRMA CEO Steve Ubl said, “Those members who vote for this bill will not get a free pass. We’ll do whatever we can to hold them accountable.”

“If I lose my next election because I stood up to Big Pharma on behalf of my constituents, I’ll wear it as a badge of honor,” said Rep. Craig. “I’m not going to back down until Minnesotans can afford the medicines they need.”

Last year, Rep. Craig was one of 12 Democratic members targeted with television ads in a $4 million American Action Network ad campaign lobbying against legislation to lower drug costs. American Action Network is a dark money group funded by the pharmaceutical industry.

Rep. Craig has built a strong record standing up to Big Pharma since being elected to Congress, leading the charge to allow Medicare to negotiate prices and cap insulin copays at $35 per month.