Campaign News


By Mark Dorenkamp, Brownfield AG News - June 17, 2022

A U.S. Congresswoman is calling for a moratorium on state and federal fuel taxes to help ease the burden of rising gas and diesel prices.

Minnesota Democrat Angie Craig tells Brownfield a fuel tax “holiday” would save nearly 50 cents a gallon at the pump.

“I fundamentally believe that this Congress should be completely focused on how do we use every tool at our disposal to lower costs for working families.”

Fuel, food, and healthcare are areas of the budget that she says need to be focused on the most.

Craig points to the war in Ukraine as a major reason for higher fuel prices and she wants to replace every gallon of Russian oil with U.S. biofuels.

“It’s better for the environment, helps us reduce carbon emissions, and it costs less. So I’m going to keep advocating for biofuels, I’m also going to keep advocating that we have about a nine month moratorium on the gas tax, both at the state and the federal level.”

Craig introduced two bills included in the Lower Food and Fuel Costs Act that passed in the House Thursday, the Year-Round Fuel Choice Act and the Strengthening the Agriculture and Food Supply Chain Act.

Read article here.