Angie on the issues

Protecting Reproductive Rights

My Values

I never thought I would see the day when an activist Supreme Court majority rolled back 50 years of legal precedent, stripping millions of American women of their fundamental rights, but that day has come. The conservative Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade allowed states to make laws banning abortions, even in cases of rape and incest. This is not who we are. The decision about whether and when to start a family is between a woman, her family, her doctor, and her faith – not governments or politicians. I will not stop fighting until every woman’s fundamental right to control her own body is protected and Roe is restored.

What I’ve Done
  • I voted to guarantee the protections of Roe v. Wade at the federal level to protect and restore the right to choose.
  • I helped pass the Ensuring Access to Abortion Act to protect the right to travel for abortion care.
  • Leading the fight in Congress to protect access to medication abortion and push back against states’ attempts to wilfully misapply Civil War-era laws that threaten access to reproductive health care.
  • Introduced the Right to Contraception Act to protect access to birth control in the wake of SCOTUS’ decision rolling back reproductive rights
  • Supports the bill to ensure women can cross state lines to access an abortion without legal consequences.
  • Wrote to the Supreme Court urging them to use scientific facts, not politics, as they review cases regarding medication abortion.