Angie on the issues

Supporting Public Safety and Law Enforcement

My Values

I know firsthand how important it is that everyone feels safe in their community. In February 2023, I was assaulted in the elevator of my apartment building in Washington, DC. I fought my attacker off using a cup of hot coffee and worked my case through the criminal justice system to ensure he was held accountable. My own experience was a perfect example of the work we must do at the intersection of addiction, mental health, homelessness and public safety. Because everyone deserves to feel safe and supported in their community. We must have accountability and recovery help for offenders facing mental health and addiction issues – it can’t be one or the other, we must do both. And prosecutors in Minnesota and nationwide have a responsibility to do both.

That’s why I’m working to ensure our police officers have all the tools, resources and funding they need to do their important work, and why I’ve worked to secure mental health and addiction resources for the Second District. And I’ve voted for record public safety funding every year I’ve been in Congress. I’ve worked to foster strong relationships with law enforcement – and they know that I am here to support them. I’ll continue working to ensure our public safety organizations work for all Minnesotans.

What I’ve Done
  • I’m a co-sponsor of the Invest to Protect Act to increase funding for small and mid-size police departments and the Pathways to Policing Act to bolster law enforcement recruitment programs.
  • I helped introduce and get signed into law the Public Safety Officer Support Act to extend death and disability benefits to officers lost as a result of suicide or disabled by PTSD.
  • I was the first member of the Minnesota Congressional Delegation to publicly oppose the ballot initiative to eliminate the Minneapolis Police Department.
  • In Congress, I’ve secured nearly $3 million to support local law enforcement across the Second District. These federal investments helped hire new officers, expand mental health support and training programs and upgrade equipment.