Angie on the issues

National Security and Immigration

My Values

Now more than ever, we need a smart, tough foreign policy agenda that protects the United States and preserves our shared American values of privacy and liberty. Russia’s war in Ukraine exacerbates our need for forward-thinking national security policies, robust domestic energy options and strong support for military personnel so we can protect our ally and prevent American boots on the ground.

National security extends to our southern border as well, and that’s why I’ve supported bipartisan reforms to our immigration system and targeted investments that will restore order at our southern border. That includes advanced screening technology, increased support for Customs and Border Protection and funding to hire more immigration judges who can process asylum cases in a way that is fast, fair and final. This goes beyond partisan politics, but Speaker Johnson refused to even allow the House to debate the Senate’s bipartisan border security bill – endorsed by CBP.

What I've Done
  • I have voted to equip our military personnel with the 21st century tools they need to defend our nation and eliminate terrorist threats as efficiently and safely as possible.
  • I unequivocally condemned Vladimir Putin’s actions in Ukraine and will continue to support all efforts — economic, humanitarian and military — to stop this unprovoked violence and needless human suffering.
  • I have supported securing US energy independence by increasing homegrown renewable fuels production and pursuing an “all of the above” energy approach.
  • I have pushed for orderly, secure, and humane immigration policies, including cosponsoring the American Dream and Promise Act of 2019, creating a path for permanent residence for individuals within Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program (DACA).
  • I have repeatedly voted for record border security funding to ensure an orderly and safe southern border. And in 2022, I pushed the Biden Administration to come up with a plan to keep our border secure before ending Title 42.
  • I got my bipartisan END FENTANYL Act signed into law to ensure CBP is using the most up-to-date protocols when screening for fentanyl at the southern border.