Angie on the Issues

Lowering Costs for Working Families

My Values

Working families across Minnesota are getting squeezed by higher bills at the grocery store and the gas pump. That’s why I’m doing everything I can to lower costs and get our economy back on track. There are a lot of politicians complaining about rising costs, but I’m not interested in complaints. I’m interested in results. That’s why I’ve been reaching across the aisle every day to find solutions for Minnesota families, farmers and small businesses. And that’s what I’ll keep doing as your representative.

What I’ve Done
  • I passed two of my bipartisan bills in the Lower Food and Fuel Costs Act to work to bring down the price of gas and groceries.
  • I wrote a bill that would reduce the federal deficit by $9 trillion and got a bipartisan bill signed into law to stop improper federal payments to people who have died.
  • I pressed Big Oil executives face to face about raking in record-setting profits while Americans struggle to fill their tanks.
  • I’m working with members of both parties to ensure Minnesota businesses have the resources and support they need to get their products to market.